.. currentmodule:: network .. _network.CC3K: class CC3K -- control CC3000 WiFi modules ========================================= This class provides a driver for CC3000 WiFi modules. Example usage:: 这个类为CC3000 WiFi模块提供了一个驱动程序。用法:例子: import network 进口网络 nic = network.CC3K(pyb.SPI(2), pyb.Pin.board.Y5, pyb.Pin.board.Y4, pyb.Pin.board.Y3) nic.connect('your-ssid', 'your-password') while not nic.isconnected(): pyb.delay(50) print(nic.ifconfig()) # now use socket as usual # 现在像往常一样使用套接字 ... For this example to work the CC3000 module must have the following connections: 在这个例子中,CC3000模块必须有以下连接: - MOSI connected to Y8 - MISO connected to Y7 - CLK connected to Y6 - CS connected to Y5 - VBEN connected to Y4 - IRQ connected to Y3 It is possible to use other SPI busses and other pins for CS, VBEN and IRQ. 它是可能使用其他SPI总线和其他针的CS, VBEN和IRQ。 Constructors 构造函数 ------------ .. class:: CC3K(spi, pin_cs, pin_en, pin_irq) Create a CC3K driver object, initialise the CC3000 module using the given SPI bus and pins, and return the CC3K object. 创建一个CC3K驱动程序对象,使用给定的SPI总线初始化CC3000模块 并返回CC3K对象。 Arguments are: 参数: - *spi* is an :ref:`SPI object ` which is the SPI bus that the CC3000 is connected to (the MOSI, MISO and CLK pins). - *spi* is an :ref:`SPI object ` CC3000是哪一种SPI总线 连接到(MOSI,味噌和CLK引脚)。 - *pin_cs* is a :ref:`Pin object ` which is connected to the CC3000 CS pin. - *pin_cs* is a :ref:`Pin object ` 连接到CC3000 CS引脚。 - *pin_en* is a :ref:`Pin object ` which is connected to the CC3000 VBEN pin. - *pin_en* is a :ref:`Pin object ` 连接到CC3000 VBEN引脚。 - *pin_irq* is a :ref:`Pin object ` which is connected to the CC3000 IRQ pin. - *pin_irq* is a :ref:`Pin object ` 它连接到CC3000 IRQ引脚。 All of these objects will be initialised by the driver, so there is no need to initialise them yourself. For example, you can use:: 所有这些对象都将被驱动程序初始化,所以没有必要这样做 初始化自己。例如,你可以用:: nic = network.CC3K(pyb.SPI(2), pyb.Pin.board.Y5, pyb.Pin.board.Y4, pyb.Pin.board.Y3) Methods 方法 ------- .. method:: CC3K.connect(ssid, key=None, \*, security=WPA2, bssid=None) Connect to a WiFi access point using the given SSID, and other security parameters. 使用给定的SSID和其他安全措施连接到WiFi接入点参数。 .. method:: CC3K.disconnect() Disconnect from the WiFi access point. 断开WiFi接入点。 .. method:: CC3K.isconnected() Returns True if connected to a WiFi access point and has a valid IP address, False otherwise. 如果连接到WiFi接入点并且有一个有效的IP地址,返回True,否则错误。 .. method:: CC3K.ifconfig() Returns a 7-tuple with (ip, subnet mask, gateway, DNS server, DHCP server, MAC address, SSID). 返回一个7元组(ip,子网掩码,网关,DNS服务器,DHCP服务器,MAC地址,SSID)。 .. method:: CC3K.patch_version() Return the version of the patch program (firmware) on the CC3000. 返回CC3000上补丁程序(固件)的版本。 .. method:: CC3K.patch_program('pgm') Upload the current firmware to the CC3000. You must pass 'pgm' as the first argument in order for the upload to proceed. 上传当前固件到CC3000。你必须以第一名通过'pgm'参数,以便继续上载。 Constants 常量 --------- .. data:: CC3K.WEP .. data:: CC3K.WPA .. data:: CC3K.WPA2 security type to use 要使用的安全类型