:mod:`gt911` --- Touch Screen Driver ==================================== .. module:: gt911 :synopsis: Touch Screen Driver Basic polling mode example usage:: import time from gt911 import GT911 from machine import I2C # Note use pin numbers or names not Pin objects because the # driver needs to change pin directions to reset the controller. touch = GT911(I2C(1, freq=400_000), reset_pin="P1", irq_pin="P2", touch_points=5) while True: n, points = touch.read_points() for i in range(0, n): print(f"id {points[i][3]} x {points[i][0]} y {points[i][1]} size {points[i][2]}") time.sleep_ms(100) Constructors ------------ .. class:: gt911.GT911(bus:int, reset_pin, irq_pin, address=0x5D, width=800, height=480, touch_points=1, reserve_x=False, reserve_y=False, reverse_axis=True, stio=True, refresh_rate=240, touch_callback=None) Creates a touch screen controller object. You should initialize it according to the example above. Methods ------- .. method:: GT911._read_reg(reg:int, size=1, buf=None) Reads a register value. .. method:: GT911._write_reg(reg:int, val:int, size=1) Writes a register value. .. method:: GT911.read_id() -> int Returns the ID of the gt911 chip. .. method:: GT911.read_points() Returns a tuple containing the count of points an array of point tuples. Each point tuple has an x[0], y[1], size[2], and id[3]. x/y are the position on screen. Size is the amount of pressure applied. And id is a unique id per point which should correlate to the same point over reads. .. method:: GT911.reset() -> None Resets the gt911 chip.