1. 开始在ESP32上使用MicroPython

使用MicroPython可以有效利用您的ESP32板,反之亦然,ESP32芯片是使用MicroPython的绝佳平台。 本教程将引导您创建MicroPython、获取指示符、使用WebREPL、连接到网络并使用因特网通信、使用硬件外设并控制一些外设。


1.1. 必要条件

首先,您需要一块带有ESP32芯片的电路板。MicroPython软件支持ESP32芯片本身,所以任何板子都可运行。 板子的主要特征是其FlashROM空间的大小、GPIO引脚与外界连接的方式以及其是否包括一个内置的USB串口转换器以便在您的电脑上使用UART。



1.2. 板的供电方式


1.3. 获取固件

首先您需要下载最新的MicroPython固件二进制文件以载入您的ESP32设备。您可从MicroPython 下载页面 <http://micropython.org/download#esp32>`_下载。

1.4. 下载固件

您下载固件(编译代码)后,就需要将其下载到您的ESP32设备中。 主要步骤有二:首先您需要使您的设备处于引导载入模式,然后您需要通过固件来复制。具体步骤取决于特定的板,详细信息请您查阅相关文件。

若您的板有USB连接器、一个USB串口芯片,且DTR和RTS引脚以某种特殊方式连接,则配置固件极为简单,其所有步骤都可自动完成。 满足上述条件的板包括Adafruit Feather HUZZAH、SingTown ESP32 board、sparkfun esp32 things boards。


目前我们仅支持esptool.py通过固件进行复制。您可在以下网址获得这一工具:https://github.com/espressif/esptool/, 或使用pip安装:

pip install esptool



esptool.py --chip esp32 --port /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART erase_flash


esptool.py --chip esp32 --port /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART write_flash -z 0x1000 firmware.bin

你也可以用下面的命令设置 忽略MTDI引脚(GPIO12)在启动时对VDD_SDIO的影响。

espefuse.py --port /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART set_flash_voltage 3.3V

见 Strapping Pin: pin 更多关于引脚的信息

您可能需要将”端口”设置更改为与您的个人电脑相关的内容。若您在烧写时出现错误,则可能需要降低波特率(例如降低至115200)。 固件的文件名也应与您的文件相匹配。


1.5. 串口交互式命令行

在设备上安装固件后,您就可以通过与USB串口转换器连接的UART0(GPIO1=TX, GPIO3=RX)访问REPL(Python 交互式命令行), 这取决于您的板子。波特率为115200。本教程将在下一章节对提示进行详细介绍。

1.6. WiFi


1.7. 安装时的故障

注意 :需要重写

If you experience problems during flashing or with running firmware immediately after it, here are troubleshooting recommendations:

  • Be aware of and try to exclude hardware problems. There are 2 common problems: bad power source quality and worn-out/defective FlashROM. Speaking of power source, not just raw amperage is important, but also low ripple and noise/EMI in general. If you experience issues with self-made or wall-wart style power supply, try USB power from a computer. Unearthed power supplies are also known to cause problems as they source of increased EMI (electromagnetic interference) - at the very least, and may lead to electrical devices breakdown. So, you are advised to avoid using unearthed power connections when working with ESP32 and other boards. In regard to FlashROM hardware problems, there are independent (not related to MicroPython in any way) reports (e.g.) that on some ESP32 modules, FlashROM can be programmed as little as 20 times before programming errors occur. This is much less than 100,000 programming cycles cited for FlashROM chips of a type used with ESP32 by reputable vendors, which points to either production rejects, or second-hand worn-out flash chips to be used on some (apparently cheap) modules/boards. You may want to use your best judgement about source, price, documentation, warranty, post-sales support for the modules/boards you purchase.

  • The flashing instructions above use flashing speed of 460800 baud, which is good compromise between speed and stability. However, depending on your module/board, USB-UART convertor, cables, host OS, etc., the above baud rate may be too high and lead to errors. Try a more common 115200 baud rate instead in such cases.

  • If lower baud rate didn’t help, you may want to try older version of esptool.py, which had a different programming algorithm:

    pip install esptool==1.0.1

    This version doesn’t support --flash_size=detect option, so you will need to specify FlashROM size explicitly (in megabits). It also requires Python 2.7, so you may need to use pip2 instead of pip in the command above.

  • The --flash_size option in the commands above is mandatory. Omitting it will lead to a corrupted firmware.

  • To catch incorrect flash content (e.g. from a defective sector on a chip), add --verify switch to the commands above.

  • Additionally, you can check the firmware integrity from a MicroPython REPL prompt (assuming you were able to flash it and --verify option doesn’t report errors):

    import esp

    If the last output value is True, the firmware is OK. Otherwise, it’s corrupted and need to be reflashed correctly.

  • If you experience any issues with another flashing application (not esptool.py), try esptool.py, it is a generally accepted flashing application in the ESP32 community.

  • If you still experience problems with even flashing the firmware, please refer to esptool.py project page, https://github.com/espressif/esptool for additional documentation and bug tracker where you can report problems.

  • If you are able to flash firmware, but --verify option or esp.check_fw() return errors even after multiple retries, you may have a defective FlashROM chip, as explained above.