esp32 — functionality specific to the ESP32 esp32 — 特定于ESP32的功能 ====================================================

The esp32 module contains functions and classes specifically aimed at controlling ESP32 modules. “esp32”模块包含专门针对的函数和类 控制ESP32模块。

Functions 功能 ———


Configure whether or not a touch will wake the device from sleep. wake should be a boolean value. 配置触摸是否将唤醒设备从睡眠。 *wake*应该是一个布尔值。

esp32.wake_on_ext0(pin, level)

Configure how EXT0 wakes the device from sleep. pin can be None or a valid Pin object. level should be esp32.WAKEUP_ALL_LOW or esp32.WAKEUP_ANY_HIGH. 配置EXT0如何将设备从睡眠中唤醒。*pin*可以是“无” 或有效的Pin对象。*级别*应该是esp32。WAKEUP_ALL_LOW”或 esp32.WAKEUP_ANY_HIGH

esp32.wake_on_ext1(pins, level)

Configure how EXT1 wakes the device from sleep. pins can be None or a tuple/list of valid Pin objects. level should be esp32.WAKEUP_ALL_LOW or esp32.WAKEUP_ANY_HIGH. 配置EXT1如何将设备从睡眠中唤醒。*pins*可以是“None” 或有效Pin对象的元组/列表。*level*应该是``esp32.WAKEUP_ALL_LOW`` 或``esp32.WAKEUP_ANY_HIGH``。


Read the raw value of the internal temperature sensor, returning an integer. 读取内部温度传感器的原始值,返回一个整数。


Read the raw value of the internal Hall sensor, returning an integer. 读取内部霍尔传感器的原始值,返回一个整数。

Flash partitions

This class gives access to the partitions in the device’s flash memory. 这个类提供对设备闪存中的分区的访问。

class esp32.Partition(id)

Create an object representing a partition. id can be a string which is the label of the partition to retrieve, or one of the constants: BOOT or RUNNING. 创建一个表示分区的对象。*id*可以是字符串,也就是标签 的分区,或一个常量:BOOTRUNNING

classmethod Partition.find(type=TYPE_APP, subtype=255, label=None)

Find a partition specified by type, subtype and label. Returns a (possibly empty) list of Partition objects. 查找由*类型*、*子类型*和*标签*指定的分区。返回一个 分区对象列表(可能为空)。

Returns a 6-tuple (type, subtype, addr, size, label, encrypted). 返回一个6元组“(类型、子类型、地址、大小、标签、加密)”。

Partition.readblocks(block_num, buf)
Partition.readblocks(block_num, buf, offset)
Partition.writeblocks(block_num, buf)
Partition.writeblocks(block_num, buf, offset)
Partition.ioctl(cmd, arg)

These methods implement the simple and extended block protocol defined by uos.AbstractBlockDev. 这些方法实现了simple和:ref: ‘ extended <块-设备-接口> ‘定义的块协议 类:“uos.AbstractBlockDev”。


Sets the partition as the boot partition. 将分区设置为引导分区。


Gets the next update partition after this one, and returns a new Partition object. 获取此分区之后的下一个更新分区,并返回一个新的分区对象。



Used in the Partition constructor to fetch various partitions. 在“Partition”构造函数中用于获取不同的分区。


Used in Partition.find to specify the partition type. 使用`Partition.find`查找以指定分区类型。


The RMT (Remote Control) module, specific to the ESP32, was originally designed to send and receive infrared remote control signals. However, due to a flexible design and very accurate (as low as 12.5ns) pulse generation, it can also be used to transmit or receive many other types of digital signals:: 针对ESP32的RMT(远程控制)模块是最初设计的 发送和接收红外遥控信号。但是,由于灵活 设计非常精确(低至12.5ns)的脉冲产生,也可以 用于发射或接收许多其他类型的数字信号:

import esp32
from machine import Pin

r = esp32.RMT(0, pin=Pin(18), clock_div=8)
r  # RMT(channel=0, pin=18, source_freq=80000000, clock_div=8)
# The channel resolution is 100ns (1/(source_freq/clock_div)).
r.write_pulses((1, 20, 2, 40), start=0)  # Send 0 for 100ns, 1 for 2000ns, 0 for 200ns, 1 for 4000ns

The input to the RMT module is an 80MHz clock (in the future it may be able to configure the input clock but, for now, it’s fixed). clock_div divides the clock input which determines the resolution of the RMT channel. The numbers specificed in write_pulses are multiplied by the resolution to define the pulses. RMT模块的输入是一个80MHz的时钟(将来它可能能够做到) 配置输入时钟,但目前,它是固定的)。“clock_div ‘ ‘ 决定RMT信道分辨率的时钟输入。的 在’ ‘ write_pulse ‘ ‘中指定的数字乘以分辨率 定义脉冲。

clock_div is an 8-bit divider (0-255) and each pulse can be defined by multiplying the resolution by a 15-bit (0-32,768) number. There are eight channels (0-7) and each can have a different clock divider. ``clock_div``是一个8位分配器(0-255),每个脉冲可以定义 将分辨率乘以一个15位(0-32,768)的数字。有八个 通道(0-7)和每个可以有一个不同的时钟分频器。

So, in the example above, the 80MHz clock is divided by 8. Thus the resolution is (1/(80Mhz/8)) 100ns. Since the start level is 0 and toggles with each number, the bitstream is 0101 with durations of [100ns, 2000ns, 100ns, 4000ns]. 因此,在上面的例子中,80MHz时钟被8除以。因此, 分辨率为(1/(80Mhz/8)) 100ns。因为“开始”级别是0和切换 对于每个数字,比特流为’ ‘ 0101 ‘ ‘,持续时间为[100ns, 2000ns, 100 ns 4000 ns)。

For more details see Espressif’s ESP-IDF RMT documentation. 更多细节请参见Espressif的ESP-IDF RMT文档。.


The current MicroPython RMT implementation lacks some features, most notably receiving pulses and carrier transmit. RMT should be considered a beta feature and the interface may change in the future. 目前的MicroPython RMT实现缺少一些特性,最明显的是 接收脉冲和载波传输。RMT应该被认为是a *beta特性*和界面可能在未来改变。

class esp32.RMT(channel, \*, pin=None, clock_div=8)

This class provides access to one of the eight RMT channels. channel is required and identifies which RMT channel (0-7) will be configured. pin, also required, configures which Pin is bound to the RMT channel. clock_div is an 8-bit clock divider that divides the source clock (80MHz) to the RMT channel allowing the resolution to be specified. 这个类提供对八个RMT通道之一的访问。* 频道 必需的,并确定将配置哪个RMT通道(0-7)。*销, 同样需要,配置哪个大头针被绑定到RMT通道。* clock_div * 是将源时钟(80MHz)分成RMT的8位时钟分频器吗 通道允许指定的分辨率。


Returns the source clock frequency. Currently the source clock is not configurable so this will always return 80MHz. 返回源时钟频率。目前源时钟不是 可配置,因此它总是返回80MHz。


Return the clock divider. Note that the channel resolution is 1 / (source_freq / clock_div). 返回时钟分压器。请注意,通道分辨率是 1 / (source_freq / clock_div)


Returns True if RMT.write_pulses has completed. 如果RMT返回True。write_pulses”已完成。

If timeout (defined in ticks of source_freq / clock_div) is specified the method will wait for timeout or until RMT.write_pulses is complete, returning False if the channel continues to transmit. 如果指定了*timeout*(定义为’ ‘ source_freq / clock_div ‘ ‘) 该方法将等待*超时*或直到’ RMT。write_pulses”完成, 如果信道继续传输,则返回“False”。


Avoid using wait_done() if looping is enabled. 如果启用了循环,避免使用``wait_done()`` 。


Configure looping on the channel, allowing a stream of pulses to be indefinitely repeated. enable_loop is bool, set to True to enable looping. 在通道上配置循环,允许脉冲流被 无限期的重复。*enable_loop*是bool,设置为True以启用循环。

RMT.write_pulses(pulses, start)

Begin sending pulses, a list or tuple defining the stream of pulses. The length of each pulse is defined by a number to be multiplied by the channel resolution (1 / (source_freq / clock_div)). start defines whether the stream starts at 0 or 1. 开始发送*脉冲*,一个定义脉冲流的列表或元组。的 每个脉冲的长度由一个要乘以信道的数字来定义 分辨率’ ‘ (1 / (source_freq / clock_div)) ‘ ‘。定义是否 流从0或1开始。

The Ultra-Low-Power co-processor 超低功耗的协同处理器 ——————————–

class esp32.ULP

This class provides access to the Ultra-Low-Power co-processor. 这个类提供对超低功耗协处理器的访问。

ULP.set_wakeup_period(period_index, period_us)

Set the wake-up period. 设置唤醒时间。

ULP.load_binary(load_addr, program_binary)

Load a program_binary into the ULP at the given load_addr. 在给定的*load_addr*下将*program_binary*加载到ULP中。

Start the ULP running at the given entry_point. 在给定的*entry_point*上启动运行ULP。

Constants 常量 ———


Selects the wake level for pins. 选择引脚的尾迹高度。